Instant Internet Lifestyle Review – Affiliate Marketing By Lee McIntyre

Instant Internet Lifestyle is an Affiliate Marketing training program introduced by Lee McIntyre, an Internet Marketer who resides in the UK. It is a system where Lee provides some of the insider secrets involved in creating massive amounts of income online. This is my unbiased Instant Internet Lifestyle review.

Through Instant Internet Lifestyle, Lee advertises that he will uncover all of the secrets to help you build a six figure online business in 29 days from complete scratch. Through this program, Lee will teach you how to generate 500 new leads every day, how to automate your online business to generate substantial amounts of passive monthly income, how to build trust with your list of subscribers, and how to create a product that can generate thousands of dollars per month. He will teach you how to outsource all of the dirty work in your business, and to do this for pennies on the dollar, allowing you to work less than 2 hours per week.

When you purchase the Instant Internet Lifestyle system, you will receive access to an 8 step system that contains 10 hours of content to help you build a profitable and rewarding internet business from scratch. The Instant Internet Lifestyle system was first offered at a price of $997, and then dropped in price to $497. Today, the Instant Internet Lifestyle system is being offered for a one time payment of $19.95. Lee also guarantees your investment if for some reason you are unsatisfied with his product, or the training that you will receive.

In my opinion, Instant Internet Lifestyle is legitimate. It is not a scam. However, I do not want you to get the wrong impression about this product in regards to the time and effort that will be required of you to build a profitable and rewarding home based internet business. You will find that building a six figure per year internet business will take much longer than the ’29 days’ that Lee advertises on his website. Also, any business, whether online or offline, is not built with less than 2 hours per week.

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Building an internet business is just like any other business, in that your success will be a direct reflection of the time and effort that you invest into it. In other words, it will take much more than 2 hours per week, 29 days, and a one time investment of $19.95 to build a six figure internet business.

With that being said, if you begin your internet business with the correct expectations, I believe that Instant Internet Lifestyle, as with many other online programs can be beneficial, and will add some value to many internet marketing newbies.